Thursday 19 October 2017

Watchers on the Wall Awards Season 7: Best Death Scene – Preliminary Round

Welcome to the 2017 Watchers on the Wall Awards Preliminaries! Voting is now in session, Game of Thrones fans. Once again you the readers created the pool of nominees, and now it’s time to whittle ’em down, until we have the ultimate winners, the best of the best of season 7!

We’ll be starting off our voting with a category perfectly appropriate for this time of the year. Halloween is just around the corner; what better time to get ghoulish and discuss the best death scenes. So today, we want you to choose your five favorites from the preliminary poll!

The standard rules: Select up to FIVE nominees from the poll. You can choose fewer if you like, but you cannot choose more than 5. (Visit the initial WotW Awards post for a complete explanation of the rules and process.)

At the end of 72 hours (Saturday 10/21/17 at 6PM Eastern Time), whichever five death scenes have the most votes will continue on to the finals. The results of the poll will be revealed when it’s time to choose the winner of Best Death Scene in a few weeks.

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