Friday 13 October 2017

Robert’s Rebellion: A visual guide to Game of Thrones’ foundation event

When we are first introduced to our friends in Westeros, it is 17 years after the events of Robert’s Rebellion. Information on the rebellion that toppled the Targaryen dynasty after three hundred years of dominion over the Seven Kingdoms is rationed to us over the course of the next seven seasons, and we slowly see how this war shaped the characters in our story.

With such a protracted revealit’s easy to lose track of exactly what went on. That’s even more true when you consider that some events are purposefully obscured. Redditor KingInTheNorthish is here to help clear things up with can infographic breaking down the important events of the conflict. Behold:

The graphic draws heavily upon the novels by George R.R. Martin — events like the Battle of the Bells have yet to be mentioned on the show — but still paints a clear picture of highlights that can be understood by anyone. All of the major players, from Ned Stark to Rhaegar Targaryen, are accounted for, plus a few that the show omitted, like Jon Connington. There are battles discussed in the books that are omitted from the graphic, too, such as the battles Robert won near Summerhall, but save for the siege of Storm’s End, none of them add much to the show’s narrative.

Explaining Robert’s Rebellion to Game of Thrones newcomers can be tricky, but everyone likes faceless cartoon people with text next to them, so this infographic could help. The rebellion is of enormous importance to the show, since grudges and feuds planted there are still working themselves out and bearing unexpected fruit.

Now if we could only get one of these for the Dance of The Dragons. We aren’t quite sure who’s whose aunt or cousin in that one. Crazy Targaryens.