Friday 10 November 2017

Mark Gattis (Tycho Nestoris) reveals his idea for a Game of Thrones ending

Filming on Game of Thrones season 8 is underway, and actor Mark Gatiss will likely be a part of it. After all, his character, Tycho Nestoris, works for the Iron Bank. In season 7, Nestoris acted on behalf of the bank in extending a new line of credit to Queen Cersei Lannister, right after she she paid off the crown’s debt with a generous “donation” from Highgarden. That allowed the monarch to procure the services of the Golden Company, a legendary mercenary army, to help fight her wars. Euron is ferrying that army across the Narrow Sea as we speak, and he’s doing it on the Iron Bank’s dime.

So the Iron Bank will likely have a part to play in the end of the show. Gatiss even has an idea for how it could end, an idea he pitched to showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss, as he revealed on an episode of Channel 4’s Sunday Brunch in the UK. “I pitched to Dan and David, the showrunners, that I should be the last person alive in the show because obviously if anyone survives it is the banks.”

They just laughed at me. I could imagine one final shot where I just walk among the bodies of absolutely everyone, turn to the camera and say “next.”

Game of Thrones turning out to be a lesson about the supreme power of commerce would be a bit of a downer. I don’t think we have to worry about it coming to pass, either, given Benioff and Weiss’ reaction. Still, considering the Iron Bank’s fearsome reputation and thousand-year history, it’s not impossible to see Gattis’ view…

Time will tell if Gattis’ vision becomes reality, but one way or another, the Iron Bank will have its due.

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